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System Development PortfolioΒΆ

I have been developing software for about 4 years now, I cannot list all the projects I have worked on in the past. Here are just a few of the most notable projects.

  1. The Kenya Ministry of Health Vaccination Portal

    This is the client facing portal used in the Kenya Covid-19 Vaccination Program. This portal allows Kenyan Citizens to access their vaccination details such as date of 1st dose and second doses. Clients can also view and download their Covid-19 vaccination certificates. This certificate is now world recognized as valid proof of Covid-19 Vaccination.


    Led the team that developed the entire system from ground up over a period of 1.5 Years.

  2. Chanjo Kenya Health Vaccination Platform

    This platform is used by health facilities to record Covid-19 vaccine administration and inventory management for the various vaccines issued by the government of Kenya. The platform is widely used and adopted with over 70,000 vaccinations recorded on a daily basis and a total of 17 million Kenyans vaccinated as of June 2023. Periodic reports are also extracted from the system and distributed to top level managers and the national press.


    Led the team in developing this software system as well as communication between various stakeholders from the MOH such as Management, Trainers and Health Care Workers

  3. Rapidly Deployable Experts (RDE) (

    RDE is a platform that is used by the EAC(East African Community), which is a governing body with Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo to record identified public health events, define eligibility criteria for required experts and deploy registered experts to public health events/emergencies. The experts are drawn from the various EAC member states after which their applications are taken through an approval process before being fully onboard the EAC expert pool. The system facilitates onboarding, eligibility assessment and rapid deployment of experts to the public health events thereby reducing turnaround time for responding to such events.

    The platform has been used by all the EAC members and has been recognized by the African Union.


    Led the team that developed the RDE system, requirement solicitation through consultation with health care workers and system training.